

Compliances (ISO, PCI DSS, etc)

Many organizations in different industries face issues in compliance and IT governance due to the data they process, and sometimes they are unaware of legal rules applied to this data. There are various standards associated with data protection and privacy. You can meet these standards by simply applying policies around your compliance program.

Organizations need proper assistance with policy mapping, or otherwise, they can run into different compliance problems including compliance gap and audit failure risk. We ensure that you meet the industry standards by achieving security compliance whether it’s ISO, PCI DSS or HIPAA compliance.

Our Approach

We help organizations by ending their regulatory confusions helping them focus business cores and other business related threats rather than confusing the compliance. We ensure that your company is aligned with the relevant industry compliance, whether you are in healthcare or any other sector. We help you with ISO, PCI DSS, HIPAA, HITRUST  and other compliances to secure your organization from any confusion or problems. We also assist with all cybersecurity related compliances for better security.


  • Reduces Risk: Legal troubles can cost you millions of dollars and that’s why staying aligned with relevant compliance is crucial.
  • Transparency: Regulating your company with proper compliances helps to increase your transparency.
  • Ensures Security: Being compliant and meeting with your industry regulations assure better security.

Why SecureMinds?

We understand the importance of compliances that cover your industry’s rules, regulations and obligations. We helped companies in various industries to follow the regulations by getting associated with relevant compliance. SecureMinds has compliance experts who dive deeper into your industry for better understanding of regulations. We fill all the compliance gaps for a better and secured company.